Eddie & Tammy Windsor, Ministry Blog

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72 745 Why 111, Palm Desert California, 92260

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Eddie your not good enough, By Eddie Windsor

On day several years ago I received an email from a very large well know organization asking me to speak at their conference. I was so excited to receive the email. To me it represented a clear indication that my speaking ability had made it to a new level. That afternoon I spoke to several friends about the email. It was clear that they were excited for me. They gave me high fives and said things like you’re the man!
Later that evening I called one of my main provisional relationships. While I was telling him that I had been booked to speak at this very large conference the phone went silent. I thought the call had been dropped or cut off, so I finally said, are you there? He said yes. I said I thought we got cut off because I didn’t hear your response. He said I didn’t respond yet Eddie; I am still trying to think it through. I must tell you the next words that he spoke caught me a little off guard. Eddie, at this point you’re not good enough to speak at that level of conference. You cannot go into a conference like that and do a good job; you must hit it out of the park! At that point I remember so clearly the thoughts racing through my mind, listen to him, he is a provisional relationship. I then said; well should I cancel the booking? He said no, let me think a moment. After a minute or so he said this is what I would suggest. For the remainder of the call he counseled me to stay in my strengths, to stay within my strongest skill set, and not stray.

For the next several months that is exactly what I did, I worked harder than ever mastering the needed communication skills. Well I went to the conference and I did such a great job they asked me to speak again the next year. After the second year they asked me to speak the third year. Just before the third year I called my friend and asked him if he had any thoughts for me before I went to speak at the conference, his response was, Eddie do whatever you want, you and I both know you are more than capable! When I reflect back over those years of my personal development I am so glad I have had relationships that could do more than just tell me the truth, they could help me evaluate and increase my personal capacity.

Increasing my personal capacity changed my life,
Eddie Windsor

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