Eddie & Tammy Windsor, Ministry Blog

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72 745 Why 111, Palm Desert California, 92260

Friday, December 4, 2009

What your missing is God’s favor, by Eddie Windsor

What does the favor of God look like? I have asked hundreds of people that question. And the majority of the time people never describe to me what the favor of God looks like in or on their own personal life. They describe to me what they think the favor of God looks like in other people.

Psalm 89:17 “You are our strength oh God. Our power is based on your favor.”

Psalm 86:17 “Send me a sign of your favor.”

Early one Sunday morning, while living in High Wycombe, England, my family got in the car and started down the motorway. This was a normal Sunday for us. Get up early and drive for several hours to minister in a different church each week. While driving to our destination, I remember thinking to myself, "We are making great time this morning." Then I heard Bethany's voice, "Daddy, where are we going today?" I said, “Baby we are going to speak in South Wales.” Everything was going so good that morning, and there was very little traffic. A few minutes later Bethany made another statement, “Daddy, I don't remember this being the way to Wales.” I said, “Baby, you just relax and leave the driving to Daddy!” I remember thinking to myself how cute she was in that moment. But then Bethany asked me one of those questions, “Why are there no road signs that say South Wales, Daddy?” Then she said, “All the road signs say 'Oxford.' Daddy, isn't Oxford in the wrong direction?” Tammy had been resting with her eyes closed, but I remember at that moment she opened one eye, smiled, and said, ”That’s my girl." All I remember is that I was making great time going in the wrong direction.

The highway department puts out signs to let you know that you are going in the right direction, and so does God! It is called His FAVOR!

When I looked through the Bible to see what the favor of God looked like, I began to discover that the favor of God looked different in every single person I would read about. I could not find any two people in whom the favor of God looked exactly the same! I have come to understand that the favor of God does not look the same on any two people. Just like every person has a different finger print, unique and different D N A. Every person has their own place of favor in God!

I know many people who seem to be making great time in life, but I wonder if they are not going in the wrong direction. Why do I say this? I say this because there are no signs of His favor in their life. If you don't discover what the favor of God looks like in your own personal life, then you will become disillusioned, you'll loose hope, and you'll become jealous, or envious when you see the favor of God in other people's lives. Far too many people are not reaching their personal potential in life, and I believe one reason is because they have not found God's place of favor for their life!

I grew up in a pastor’s home, so I was always around ministers. I was like the fly on the wall. I got to hang around so many great ministers. But I must tell you that the prophets were my favorite. I would sit in church and watch and listen to them in awe. I thought to myself many times that if I get to choose what gift I have, I want to be a prophet. When I got a little older and started in ministry, I really desired to prophesy to people. Plus the Bible says desire the best gifts and as far as I was concerned that would be to prophesy. It has been over 28 years since I started in ministry. But to tell you the truth, there was a hidden struggle going on inside me for many years. I experienced many years of inner frustration, self-questioning. Why was God not letting me do what was in my heart to do? All I wanted to do was prophesy.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning in the United Kingdom. Five pastors had asked Tammy and I to mentor them. Over the next several months, over one hundred more pastors asked us to give them mentoring modeling principles for their personal life and ministry. Over the next year, it doubled again.

Can you guess when I really began to see true success in our ministry? When I quit going in a direction that had no signs of God’s favor. I have now learned to flow towards the signs of God’s favor in my life. I have had several friends say to me, “How is it possible that the rancher, Eddie Windsor, has so many pastors around the world wanting him to speak in their church?” They say, “I just don't get it.”

I had a very large American ministry call me while I was in the United Kingdom. They said, “We have been trying to establish our ministry in the UK for several years with little or no success.” When they told me how much money they were investing each year in their UK efforts, I realized it was more than I had made in five or more years. They said to me, “We just don't get it. How can you accomplish so much in such a short amount of time without enough money, and you don't even have a known name?

I simply replied to them the only possible answer. “It’s called the favor of God.”

I flow towards the favor of God in my life. God’s favor is on the fruit of my life. I’m not suggesting you only follow signs, but I have found that the signs of God’s favor tell me I’m going in the right direction.

Eddie Windsor

For more video's visit: www.youtube.com/user/championlifetv

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

You can’t be serious! That can't be necessary? By Eddie Windsor

Recently I was thinking about decisions people make that in our modern day society are not considered wrong but are having a negative impact on their lives. It seems that the common thought now days is “Why Not” everyone is doing it. The other day I questioned a person about something they were doing that was clearly hurting their personal life and relationships. Their response was that what they were doing was not sin.

1 Corinthians 10:23 “Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial, (and) not everything is constructive.” (NIV)

At first glance it seems like “Everything is permissible” is a blank check for Gods people. It is true we have been given incredible freedoms but let’s not write the check until we have finished this verse. “Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial, (and) not everything is constructive.” The Apostle Paul is saying that there are many things we do in life that are not necessarily wrong there just not necessary. Let me say it like this, not everything makes for a better life even though its legal. I have discovered that it’s not a matter between good and bad. It’s more of a matter between what’s good and what’s the best. Most of the choices you make in life are not choices between really good and really evil. You don’t get up in the morning and say, “Shall I read my Bible or shall I become an international terrorist?” “Should I pray or become a drug addict?” So what is the real issue here? What is this verse actually saying? That most of the decisions you make are not necessarily wrong, they’re morally and socially neutral in our today’s society.

Can we talk honestly for a couple of minutes? Can we talk about things that are not morally and or socially wrong but they are negatively impacting your life! You say Eddie alcohol is permissible I’m 21 years old now. Your right but it’s destroying your body and destroying your relationships! It’s legal and someday you may be legally dead. You beat the gardener and pool man into the ground on price. It’s permissible but you have destroyed your Christian witness. An elderly couple is confused and driving slow in the fast lane. You blast your horn and confuse them even more. It’s permissible but maybe next time lay off the horn and try praying for their safety. I could give examples like this all day but I think you can see the point.

Are these things evil? No. Are they bad? No. Will they make you a better person? Absolutely not! The question is not, is there anything wrong with it? The question is, will this make my life better?

Eddie Windsor

Saturday, November 14, 2009

If you share your faith your fired, By Eddie Windsor

In the early 1970's my father (Edward M. Windsor) drove school bus for our local public school district. During his employee orientation he was told that school employee's were not permitted to share their religious beliefs. But if you knew my father you would realize that would be impossible for him. His passion was introducing people to his Lord. So he decided to get up at 4:30AM each morning and drive the bus route backwards praying for about two hours for each and every child and their families by name. He did this day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.

A couple of weeks ago (more than 30 years later) I attended my father's funeral service. It was no surprise that aproximitly15 people were in attendance that had been on my father's school bus route. As I talked to each of these families it was easy to see the impact my father had on their lives. We estimated that 60% of the families who rode his school bus are now serving God and attribute their faith in Jesus to my father. Several kids from my fathers bus route have now become pastors.

The Teacher Applicant...

After being interviewed by the school administration, the teaching prospect said, "Let me see if I've got this right!

You want me to go into that room with all those kids, correct their disruptive behavior, observe them for signs of abuse, monitor their dress habits, censor their T-shirt messages, and instill in them a love for learning.

You want me to check their backpacks for weapons, wage war on drugs and sexually transmitted diseases, and raise their sense of self esteem and personal pride!

You want me to teach them patriotism and good citizenship, sportsmanship and fair play, and how to register to vote, balance a checkbook, and apply for a job.

You want me to check their heads for lice, recognize signs of antisocial behavior, and make sure that they all pass the state exams.

You also want me to provide them with an equal education regardless of their handicaps, and communicate regularly with their parents in English and Spanish by letter, telephone, newsletter, and report card.

You want me to do all this with a piece of chalk, a blackboard, a bulletin board, a few books, a big smile, and a starting salary that qualifies me for food stamps!?

You want me to do all this and then you tell me........ I CAN'T PRAY?

The next time you find yourself in a place where you are told you can't pray. Remember my father!

I am my fathers son,
Eddie Windsor

To see more video's visit: www.youtube.com/user/championlifetv


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Increasing Your Personal Capacity, Author Eddie Windsor

Sometimes in life there are things we do that seem very insignificant or just simply routine at the moment we do them. An example for me was the day I stood in a bungalow in the Country of Wales taking a few minutes to pray for local pastors. I had been traveling from church to church speaking on the topic of reaching lost people. That

week as I had shared with several pastors there was a common theme I kept hearing, “That would be hard”. As I stood in my study praying I remember hearing myself say these words, “God everything is too hard for this pastor - he is being defined by what is hard in his life” As I said those words I remember thinking to myself, what did I just say? I sat down at my desk and wrote these words; whatever you find hard in life has the potential to define your life. In that bungalow I wrote the book “Increasing Your Personal Capacity”

Here’s what pastors have to say about the book “Increasing Your Personal Capacity”

I am excited about Eddie’s new book entitled “Increasing Your Personal Capacity”. When he began to teach these principles in our church, it brought a fresh approach to personal growth. I love Eddie’s commonsense approach to bringing forth these life-changing principles, and his track record proves an incredible wisdom in ministry. You won’t ever look at your future the same way again once you have read this book.

Leon Fontaine
Senior Pastor
Springs Church
Winnipeg, MB CANADA
This book contains a powerful yet practical perspective on the potential and capacity of every human being. If you want more for your life, you’ll be inspired and challenged by Eddie Windsor’s fresh insights and biblical truths.

Senior Pastor: Hillsong Church
Sydney, Australia
Eddie Windsor is on a mission to increase the Personal Capacity of everyone he comes in contact with. Finally he has brought his insights together in this fantastic book. Eddie’s wisdom and down to earth leadership style is effectively helping leaders in every walk of life reach their full potential. I know you will enjoy this book! Better yet apply what Eddie teaches and you will discover your dreams are only the “Next Level” away!

Rob J Koke
Senior Pastor, Shoreline Christian Center
Austin Texas

Eddie Windsor is uniquely gifted in helping both individuals and churches to enlarge their capacity. His mix of practical wisdom, theological soundness and contemporary wit make listening to his teaching and reading his writings a joy. If you want to take your life, family, business and ministry to the next level, then get your hands on "Increasing Your Personal Capacity" and devour every page.

Dr. Jim Reeve
Senior Pastor
Faith Community Church
West Covina CA

"The stories and lesions in this book are simple and yet profound. You will be motivated to expand your capacity and experience fresh increase "

Bob Harrison
President, Christian Business Leaders International
Eddie Windsor's own life is an example of increasing ones personal capacity. Eddie is not only a great Christian, husband father and friend, He's also a great Life and ministry coach. I know this book will bless anyone who reads it.

Kevin Gerald
Champions Centre
Tacoma, WA


Friday, September 11, 2009

Judah & Chelsea Smith. Lead Pastors of The City Church, By Eddie Windsor

Last night as Judah and Chelsea Smith were about to become the lead pastors of The ty Church I began to reflect on the dozens of wonderful services I have attended like this in my life time. But as the night unfolded I think everyone in the room began to realize we were witnessing a historic event with great spiritual significance. That this was not just another ceremony conceived in the hearts of men but it truly was orchestrated by God. As prophetic words were spoke over them the tangible presence of God could felt. The entire congregation jumped to their feet and erupted in applause lasting for minutes as Judah and Chelsea were set in as lead pastors.

There was a moment in the service when Pastor’s Wendell and Gini presented Judah and Chelsea with a beautifully bound leather book. This book contained letters of wisdom, council and guidance written to them by minister’s of the gospel like Paul Yonggi Cho, Oral Roberts, Joyce Myers, Casey Treat, TD Jakes, and John Maxwell just to name a few. It was a great honor that a letter I had written was included in this book to Judah and Chelsea.

Judah and Chelsea,

I have traveled to hundreds of churches around the world working with lead pastors. I can honestly say that the majority of these ministers are wonderful people with a demonstrated call of God on their lives. Many of them are extremely gifted in their platform ministry yet find themselves struggling in other areas. In this letter I want to give you three thoughts that I would like you to consider as you open this new chapter of your life.

1) Why the Gift in you is not for you.
Judah there is no doubt a God given gift is in you. My father Edward Windsor said this to me when I started in ministry and now I pass it onto you. He said son if you will hold your gift with an open hand God will do great things through your life. But if you hold your gift too tightly or if you dictate to God what you will or will not do with your gift it will be useless. You are a steward of the gift but remember our God owns the gift in you. Many ministers have somehow gotten this backwards.

Remember this Judah, It is about the gift in you… but it is not about the gift in you for you… it is for the body of Christ. So keep this thought in the back of your mind.

2) Why your eyes lose focus
There is a pressure that comes along with being a pastor that moves stuff into your focus and drives people into your peripheral - that is backwards. Judah one of the greatest challenges I have faced is to not become focused of the peripheral. You know what I mean. We are in the people business and the people business is messy business. Everyday there will be a myriad of issues that try to force their way into your force.

An example would be your marriage. Chelsea must stay the center your focus and other women must be forced out, way out into your peripheral. We see what happens when a person gets this backwards – it’s a formula for disaster. The same is true in the church. There will be things that seem important, they will push hard trying to make their way into your focus. It takes prayer, biblical wisdom, relationships and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to get your focus right.

Ephesians 1:19-23 The church, you see, is not peripheral to the world; the world is peripheral to the church. The church is Christ’s body, in which He speaks and acts, by which He fills everything with His presence. (The Message Bible)

As a pastor I have learned it is important that I keep the stuff in my peripheral. Your success has a lot to do with the focus you choose.

3) What to do when you become paralyzed
Judah everyday you will be bombarded by questions that need to be answered. A steady stream of thousands of questions of life and ministry opportunities and challenges will flood your mind. As a pastor you will have so many questions coming your way it’s paralyzing. This is the simple solution I use. Answer a dozen big questions then get ready to watch thousands of little nagging questions disappear automatically.

Let me give you an example, before you were married you had millions of options. Everywhere you looked you saw options but by saying “I do to Chelsea” you answered the number one big question. With one big question answered millions of smaller questions disappeared automatically. Now when you walk down the street and you see a beautiful woman you are not bombarded with questions like, “what would it be like to be with her or I wonder if she noticed me” once and for all you answered that one big question now millions of little questions are gone forever. The same is true in ministry.

One more thing, I learned this the hard way, often what seems like the little insignificant questions are really the big questions and the big things that are pressing you for answers are really the little questions. It’s easy to tell the difference between a little question and big question. After you answer a little question you will not notice much if any difference but after a big question is answered watch hundreds of other questions disappear.

Judah I want to say how proud I am to see the man of God you have become.

Your friend always,
Eddie Windsor

For more video's visit: www.youtube.com/user/championlifetv

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Eddie your not good enough, By Eddie Windsor

On day several years ago I received an email from a very large well know organization asking me to speak at their conference. I was so excited to receive the email. To me it represented a clear indication that my speaking ability had made it to a new level. That afternoon I spoke to several friends about the email. It was clear that they were excited for me. They gave me high fives and said things like you’re the man!
Later that evening I called one of my main provisional relationships. While I was telling him that I had been booked to speak at this very large conference the phone went silent. I thought the call had been dropped or cut off, so I finally said, are you there? He said yes. I said I thought we got cut off because I didn’t hear your response. He said I didn’t respond yet Eddie; I am still trying to think it through. I must tell you the next words that he spoke caught me a little off guard. Eddie, at this point you’re not good enough to speak at that level of conference. You cannot go into a conference like that and do a good job; you must hit it out of the park! At that point I remember so clearly the thoughts racing through my mind, listen to him, he is a provisional relationship. I then said; well should I cancel the booking? He said no, let me think a moment. After a minute or so he said this is what I would suggest. For the remainder of the call he counseled me to stay in my strengths, to stay within my strongest skill set, and not stray.

For the next several months that is exactly what I did, I worked harder than ever mastering the needed communication skills. Well I went to the conference and I did such a great job they asked me to speak again the next year. After the second year they asked me to speak the third year. Just before the third year I called my friend and asked him if he had any thoughts for me before I went to speak at the conference, his response was, Eddie do whatever you want, you and I both know you are more than capable! When I reflect back over those years of my personal development I am so glad I have had relationships that could do more than just tell me the truth, they could help me evaluate and increase my personal capacity.

Increasing my personal capacity changed my life,
Eddie Windsor

To see more video’s by Eddie Windsor Visit:

Sunday, July 26, 2009

To tell you the truth I sure didn't feel very lucky! By Eddie Windsor

When I was young I drove a 1970 240z sports car. It was a great car, but one day it developed a hesitation when I would accelerate. So I pulled it into our family garage and proceeded to fix the problem. After several days of frustration I concluded I was never going to be able to fix this car. Truthfully I had no idea what could be causing the problem but that didn't stop me from trying.

The next day I drove the car to a local mechanic to see what he thought. After about 30 seconds of listening to my car the Mechanic said four hours and $100 and you’re as good as new. When I returned after four hours the mechanic said to me it is more than he had originally diagnosed. It was not only the part he had already replaced but it was also something else as well. He said he had taken the liberty of ordering the part and if I approved he would install it right away. By now all I wanted was my car back on the road so I said ok. Over the next three hours he changed several more parts and had compiled a $400 bill for parts and labor. As I watched him work on my car I honestly thought to myself several times I wonder if this guy really knows what he is doing. You see he was a great local do-it-all farm community mechanic but about now I am beginning to have serious doubts if he has what it would take to fix my high performance sports car. I guess all the tractors and farm trucks parked in the shop should have given me a clue. But it was just as I had feared. When I got in my car and drove off the hesitation was no better.

From there I drove straight to the best mechanic I knew that specialized on import cars. When I arrived I asked the mechanic what he thought it could be but he would not guess. He said why guess and be wrong when the computer will do a proper diagnosis. After about 15 minutes of computerized testing the mechanic turns to me and said, “You’re lucky! It is just a sensor under your dashboard, give me about 20 minutes.” You guessed it within 20 minutes I am driving down the road and my car was driving better than never before. As I drove I replayed the words of the second mechanic, you’re lucky it’s only a sensor. To tell you the truth I sure didn't feel very lucky!

So what was the really problem? I had taken my car to a good mechanic that did not have the skill to work on hi performance import cars. After he had replaced $400 worth of car parts he still did not have the problem solved. He had a great reputation in the community. But his skill set was in the area of heavy equipment. He tried and tried but at the end of the day he just did not have the skill set to stop my reoccurring problem.

Whenever we face problems that take more skill then we posses we are setting ourselves up for reoccurring problems that produce hard thresholds in our lives. So what is the answer? Increase our skill and competence to match the level of challenges we face.

I didn’t feel that lucky,

Eddie Windsor

To see more video’s by Eddie Windsor Visit:



Monday, July 20, 2009

It became clear the plane would miss the runway, By Eddie Windsor

One day Tammy and I decided to take a scenic fight around the San Wan Islands. We had attended a marriage advance to strength our relationship. I have discovered there are many things in life at this point i really can't afford. An example would be a jet airplane. I was speak approximately 300 times per year all around the world. I spend allot of time in airports. If I had my own airplane it would make my life easier, more effective and give me the ability to accomplish more. But honestly I can’t afford an airplane. There are several things I would love to have like an airplane but right now I cannot afford them. But there are some things I cannot afford not to afford like investing in my marriage. So back to our scenic flight. It was a beautiful day. As we lifted of the runway I held Tammy's hand and thought to myself how could life be any better than this. Our pilot was a very humorous man, he kept us very entertained. But after awhile the pilot said the weather was unexpectedly changing! He said I hope no one’s disappointed but I think we better turn around. As he turned the plane around i was shocked to see the sky was black with the occasional bolt of lightning. We were at least 45 minutes from the little island airport.

The runaway was right on the waters edge. I remember as we made our approach we were just a few feet above the water. Next i remember the beach and then the rocks. I pacifically remember the rocks. The pilot lined up with the runaway but as the plane approached the runway the wind started to blow us off our course! It became clear to me we were not going to make it onto that runaway. The wind was blowing across the runaway what felt like hundreds of miles per hour. But our pilot kept his cool. He said this kind of thing happens all the time in these islands. I will make a few course adjustments and come in under a little more power and get you safely on the ground. As we approached the runway the second time the pilot lined up a little up wind with a lot more power. The plane was bouncing all over the sky. My heart about stopped when the wind blows us across the runaway and the pilot pulled up for the second time. I will never forget how loud the lady sitting in the seat behind me screamed. As we came around for our third attempt the pilot never said a word. This time he just stared straight ahead at the runway. This time he made a bolder course adjustments.

As our plane bounced down the runway I remember thinking to myself, “This pilot does not have the right people working with him today!” he needed provisional relationships. So who would be Provisional Relationships in the life of a pilot and who would be the everyday relationships. The Provisional Relationships would be a Co-Pilot, a Navigator, The men and women in the control tower! These are the relationships that would help a pilot successfully negotiate a storm and navigate the night to successfully reach their destination! Our pilot had none of these people in his life that day. I was sitting in the Co-pilots seat, Tammy is in the navigators seat, and there was no one in the little airports control hut.

Now lets look at the normal relationships in the life of a pilot! They would be the check in people, the ticket people, the ground crew, the baggage handlers and the flight attendants. These are the people who will bring our pilot a chicken sandwich and help him with his luggage. It's good for our pilot to have both kinds of people in his life. But he better not get confused about what each kind of relationship is there for! He could take it or leave it on the chicken sandwich but as for his Provisional Relationships they are crucial for him to successfully reach his destination!

Lets say our flight attendant has a meal for our pilot. So she knocks on the flight deck door. Sir I have your lunch, it is a chicken sandwich. The pilot tells the flight attendant thank you then proceeds to ask her if she could help settle a disagreement between himself and co-pilot. The pilot tells the flight attendant that he is tied of the control tower telling him what to do all the time, like speed and elevation. And the co-pilot wants to do everything by the book. But I was thinking, you have been serving chicken sandwiches on airplane for over twenty years, what do you think I should do about the storm ahead? The flight attendant holds her hands together over her heart and says, Oh thank you for asking me what I think. I have been riding on airplanes serving chicken sandwiches for over twenty years and no one has ever asked me what I think about flying planes. I have read a few magazines and watched a few movies about airplanes so yes I do have a few ideas. Do you realize what the potential problems we could face if our pilot would do that?

It was on our third attempt our pilot was able to land that little plane. I can say with confidence I will never forget that plane ride! In each of our lives we will be forced to make hundreds of course adjustments to stay our course and reach our destination! It is so very important that we know who are and who are not our Provisional Relationships, because External Forces are always pushing against us!

I thank God we made that runway,

Eddie Windsor

To see more video’s by Eddie Windsor Visit:



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