Eddie & Tammy Windsor, Ministry Blog

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72 745 Why 111, Palm Desert California, 92260

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Increasing Your Personal Capacity, Author Eddie Windsor

Sometimes in life there are things we do that seem very insignificant or just simply routine at the moment we do them. An example for me was the day I stood in a bungalow in the Country of Wales taking a few minutes to pray for local pastors. I had been traveling from church to church speaking on the topic of reaching lost people. That

week as I had shared with several pastors there was a common theme I kept hearing, “That would be hard”. As I stood in my study praying I remember hearing myself say these words, “God everything is too hard for this pastor - he is being defined by what is hard in his life” As I said those words I remember thinking to myself, what did I just say? I sat down at my desk and wrote these words; whatever you find hard in life has the potential to define your life. In that bungalow I wrote the book “Increasing Your Personal Capacity”

Here’s what pastors have to say about the book “Increasing Your Personal Capacity”

I am excited about Eddie’s new book entitled “Increasing Your Personal Capacity”. When he began to teach these principles in our church, it brought a fresh approach to personal growth. I love Eddie’s commonsense approach to bringing forth these life-changing principles, and his track record proves an incredible wisdom in ministry. You won’t ever look at your future the same way again once you have read this book.

Leon Fontaine
Senior Pastor
Springs Church
Winnipeg, MB CANADA
This book contains a powerful yet practical perspective on the potential and capacity of every human being. If you want more for your life, you’ll be inspired and challenged by Eddie Windsor’s fresh insights and biblical truths.

Senior Pastor: Hillsong Church
Sydney, Australia
Eddie Windsor is on a mission to increase the Personal Capacity of everyone he comes in contact with. Finally he has brought his insights together in this fantastic book. Eddie’s wisdom and down to earth leadership style is effectively helping leaders in every walk of life reach their full potential. I know you will enjoy this book! Better yet apply what Eddie teaches and you will discover your dreams are only the “Next Level” away!

Rob J Koke
Senior Pastor, Shoreline Christian Center
Austin Texas

Eddie Windsor is uniquely gifted in helping both individuals and churches to enlarge their capacity. His mix of practical wisdom, theological soundness and contemporary wit make listening to his teaching and reading his writings a joy. If you want to take your life, family, business and ministry to the next level, then get your hands on "Increasing Your Personal Capacity" and devour every page.

Dr. Jim Reeve
Senior Pastor
Faith Community Church
West Covina CA

"The stories and lesions in this book are simple and yet profound. You will be motivated to expand your capacity and experience fresh increase "

Bob Harrison
President, Christian Business Leaders International
Eddie Windsor's own life is an example of increasing ones personal capacity. Eddie is not only a great Christian, husband father and friend, He's also a great Life and ministry coach. I know this book will bless anyone who reads it.

Kevin Gerald
Champions Centre
Tacoma, WA


Stay Connected To Eddie

Watch Eddie on Champion Life TV www.youtube.com/user/ChampionLifetv