I have discovered you will never escape the need for making sacrifices in life. But just because you are willing to make sacrifices does not guarantee you've made the right choice.
There are right sacrifices, and there are wrong sacrifices in this life!
I have known people who seem so willing to sacrifice anything or even everything for the important people in their life. So many people are paying the high cost of sacrifice, trying to please people, but shocked to find their efforts are not working.
Let me give you an example, often a man will work long hours trying for financial gain to provide a certain level of lifestyle for his wife and family. He will often say I am going to work hard to provide my family with the lifestyle I never had. In his mind he is giving up so much of what he would want or desire. In his mind this is a huge sacrifice putting in all the extra hours at a job he hates. But he gladly works himself around the clock 24/7 thinking it will be best for his family's future.
When he arrives in his future, the man is shocked to discover his children don't have time for him. His children say they don't know their father or have a desire to be in relationship with him. When his wife files for a divorce he honestly can’t understand how this could be happening after all the things he has sacrificed. The next words out of his mouth have been spoken millions of times by men around the globe. I have worked my fingers to the bone; I have sacrificed so many of my personal desires. Now my children won’t make time for me and my wife is leaving me. Here is the truth, he did sacrifice a lot, but most of the time, it was the wrong sacrifice. His wife wanted more time with the man she married not more money. His children just wanted some quality time with their father.
There are many women who say, I cook for him, I keep the house clean for him, I clean all his clothes for him and then he’s saying he’s not happy with all I sacrifice for him. But the husband says I would rather have a few dishes in the sink and a few clothes in the hamper so my wife is not too tired to spend intimate time with me.
Here is what I believe is happening. The man really is truly sacrificing his time and desires for his wife. The wife works hard day after day doing the things she believes a faithful and committed wife would and should sacrifice for him. The bottom line is that a lot of sacrifice is taking place but I believe it is the wrong sacrifice. Listen to what the bible has to say about sacrifice.
Psalms 4:5 "Offer the right sacrifices."
Truthfully, if you will start making the right sacrifices and by that I mean sacrifices that are meaningful to both people in the relationship get ready for a fulfilling satisfied life. No longer will it feel like you are spinning your wheels going nowhere. When I make sacrifices that are meaningful to those I love it is a wonderful feeling. As a husband, I know my wife is pleased with the hard work and sacrifice I am making. As a father, I know my children are pleased and fulfilled by the effort and sacrifice I make for them. As a son of God, when I know my Father in heaven is pleased with my sacrifice.
I will say it one more time, there are right sacrifices, and there are wrong sacrifices in relationship.
Eddie & Tammy Windsor, Ministry Blog
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